As of Wednesday, March 11, the World Health Organization has officially declared that the world is experiencing a pandemic of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. Cases are rising, and measures are increasingly being taken to try to slow the spread of the virus via “social distancing”.
It is very likely that in the near future, there will be directives from provincial, federal, and/or ecclesiastical authorities that will require us to change how we do things in the short term. When we receive such instructions, we will comply promptly and to the utmost of our ability. Based on the current situation in many places in the US, this may involve anything from suspending the use of the cup at communion, to being forbidden to gather in groups larger than a certain number of people.
Already, we are refraining from the level of touching that we normally have in worship, and reiterating that participation in the common cup is optional. Starting this Sunday (technology permitting) we will be broadcasting the 10 AM service on Facebook Live, to allow anyone who wishes to self-quarantine to follow along online. We hope to make the live stream available directly from the church website for those who aren’t on Facebook; but if you would like any help learning how to use Facebook so as to access it, please give me a call and I’ll do my best to walk you through it!
We are also, after consulting with the pastoral care coordinators, suspending routine pastoral care visits for the time being. If you are seriously ill and would like a visit, you may still request one (and whoever visits – probably myself, since I am relatively young and healthy – will scrupulously observe infection control procedures!). Nobody will be denied the sacraments of the Church in extremis if we are physically able to provide them. But it seems wise to reduce regular contact between shut-ins, who by definition are elderly and/or in frail health, and volunteers, many of whom also fall into high-risk categories. We will, of course, continue to be in touch by phone.
It is very possible that we may, for a period of time, be required to cancel many church events, up to and including worship. We pray that this does not come to pass, just as we pray that no one in the congregation contracts the virus; but based on the latest information available, it seems unlikely that any community will escape entirely unscathed, and compliance with public health measures is essential, not only for our own protection, but for the protection of the community as a whole, especially its most vulnerable members.
As Christians, it is our duty to care for each other to the extent possible, and ironically, in the near future that may involve not seeing each other in person as much as we are used to and would like. At the same time, our hope remains, as always, in the God who came among us in Jesus Christ, whose Good News is that suffering and death are never the end of the story.
With every prayer for a holy – and healthy! – Lent, and a joyful Easter,
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