ServiCorp delivering supplies, 9/3/20
It’s a barrage of information this week as we gear up for in-person worship. On August 30 after worship, we had an informal parish meeting with Q&A about what to expect when we reopen on September 13. For anyone who missed that session, we’ll repeat it (as needed) after Zoom church this coming Sunday, September 6.
Attached to the end of this blog post are two documents that were recently mailed to all our folks who don’t have email: a letter about what to expect when in-person worship restarts, and a thank-you note to the many, many folks who have pitched in over the past six months. Please take a look!
Here are a few other things that it would be useful to know:
- We will be celebrating two baptisms in the month of September! It’s an amazing blessing that even in the COVID times, families continue to seek out faith communities in which to bring up their children. The baptisms will be “piggybacking” on our evening services: one will be at Evening Prayer (Septembr 19) and another during Messy Church (September 25). The candidates, sponsors and families will be with me in the church building with most of the rest of the congregation tuning in by Zoom. Please pray for Jason and Iylah-Anne and their families as they prepare for baptism!
- Today, September 3rd, we received the first shipment of disinfecting and safety supplies provided by ServiCorp, a company that also contracts with CPE Dorval and with the Lachine Curling Club. Thanks to Trevor Smith, we have an ongoing arrangement by which they provide everything we need, such as disposable masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, disinfectant and so on.
- We are still happy to sign up volunteers to be ushers for in-person services. There will be a training for those volunteers at 2 PM on Saturday, September 12.
As of Thursday, September 3, twenty-seven of the 45 slots for our service on September 13 have already been reserved! This is exciting, but also a reminder that space really is limited and that it is absolutely OK if you don’t want to come back, or don’t feel safe doing so. If there’s one thing that 2020 has taught us, it’s that community and God’s presence can be found without being physically in each other’s company! I am thrilled to see so many people’s names on the list whom I am eager to see again (and a few whom I’m eager to meet for the first time!), but we’re also working hard to make sure that folks who choose to stay home have access to the same worship experience (and in at least one respect, a better one – they can still sing!).
As always, please get in touch if you have any questions or just want to chat!
As we prepare for reopening, the Corporation and staff of All Saints by the Lake are reflecting on the past six months and on Grace’s sermon from this past Sunday, which reminded us that we all have unique gifts to offer.
We are extraordinarily blessed in the way that we have pulled together in these, as Jennifer put it, “very odd times”. As we anticipate worshiping together again in person on September 13, we want to recognize the following people who have kept things going, or learned new things, in order to help out (and please, if you think of someone whose work should be acknowledged who is not listed here, let us know, and we’ll feature them in a future message!):
- The whole congregation: for trying new things, e.g. Zoom; their continuous monetary support; and support of us and each other. This parish is truly blessed to be in such a good position, and to be able to afford the needed repairs such as the roof, tunnel, and also the elevator project
- Strong and tireless support and leadership re building issues, both routine and otherwise: Bill Yeomans, Kevin Finnerty, Raymond Noël, Trevor Smith, Dave and Laura Hill, Bert Larocque
- Tech team members: how lucky are we to have such a large team of volunteers, some of whom have even spent their own money to provide equipment, and all of whom have devoted countless hours: Dave Hill, Ross Hamilton, Louis Robichaud, Mark Weatherley, Garth St. John, David Tomsons, Chris and Helen Haslam
- Music: Chris creating the music files, Dion for singing every Sunday, and everything else they do behind the scenes and in front of the camera
- Our faithful Sunday Zoom volunteers to keep the show running; Laura for “taking attendance”
- Evening Prayer Leaders: Stacey Neale, Marie-Claude Martz, Rob MacLachlan, Bill Wilson, Dave Tomsons – and all the “Zoomites”
- Garden team, kept the place looking fantastic through the months: Campbell Taylor, Yvonne Wakeland, Dorothy Klein, and other volunteers
- Tim Klempan, cleaner: for being flexible and keeping the place looking good
- Jennifer Gibb, admin: for working from home, putting up with thousands of emails and phone calls, being the communications hub for the parish, and adjusting to doing PowerPoint slides instead of a paper bulletin (and now, both at once!)
- Camille Isaacs for her inspiring summer newsletter
- The Corporation, for all their hard work in learning how to deal with these new times.
- Rev’d Grace for figuring out the whole Zoom thing, instituting the Anti-racist Zoom book club, leading Zoom Messy Church
- The Messy Church families, for sticking together through the chaos
- Telephone team members
- Our lay readers who learned how to lead and preach on Zoom
- Mask makers
You are all amazing and we thank God for you!
Letter sent to our folks without email, September 4
Dear friends:
As summer turns to fall, I and the Corporation here at All Saints by the Lake hope that you are well and happy! We want you to know of the latest developments regarding worship.
On Sunday, September 13, 2020, worship will take place in-person in the church building for the first time since March 15. There will be only one service, at 10:00 AM.
The service will also continue to be broadcast on Zoom. If you do not feel safe attending worship in person, please do not do so! There is no pressure to come back before you are ready. If you have not yet connected with worship via Zoom, you can do so by dialing in on the telephone – feel free to contact Dave Hill at 514-694-6255 for help.
When we begin worship in person, the order of service will be Morning Prayer. We will continue to use Morning Prayer for 4 more weeks before resuming Holy Communion on October 11 (Thanksgiving). There will be no singing or vocal music in the church building until further notice, although those tuning in via Zoom will be able to sing along.
To attend the service in person, you are asked to register in advance by phone to the church office (or online). The deadline is noon on the Friday before the service. The registration link will change weekly and will be posted on the church website.
At the church you will be greeted by ushers, who will guide you to a seat as places have been marked to allow 2-metre distancing. You will not be able to choose where to sit. In order to move anywhere in the building, including using the washroom, an usher will need to accompany you. The ushers will also dismiss the congregation row by row at the end of worship. Please follow the ushers’ instructions at all times.
Everyone inside the church must wear a mask. We will have masks to offer to those who do not have their own, but if you plan to come regularly, please do endeavour to acquire at least one reusable mask.
We will not be passing the offering plate. You will be able to place your offerings into a basket as you enter or depart, or you can continue to donate via mail or e-transfer.
Additional signs around the church building will remind us of the safety precautions we are taking.
If you choose to come to worship in person, please be aware also that:
- Your contact information will be recorded in case it is necessary to do contact tracing following a confirmed case of the virus
- We require that you not attend worship if you are exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19
Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions!
I look forward to continuing to worship with you both in person and through technology, and I hope to be able to resume visits to members’ homes soon.
Blessings and peace,
I have already heard some grumbling about being told where to sit. I suggest that the available approved seats be allocated on a first come, first served basis, with the usher accompanying each person to their selected place. In other words if someone feels strongly about sitting in the back and no one is already sitting there let them occupy that pew. As long as a designated pew is used, social distancing is respected. P..ersonally I don’t care where I sit as long as I am back in the building but some do care. As an usher, I think this is workable and avoids being unnecessarily dictatorial about what should be a pleasant, positive experience.
Hi Bob – thanks for the feedback! The problem with this is that if you put someone in their preferred seat in the middle of the church, it then may require that other people pass close by them in order to be seated themselves – filling the spots from back to front means the least possible contact between households. I totally get that it’s difficult for folks, but I have faith that we can handle it!