Evidence of your generosity in the form of food donations!
Dear Friends,
Who would have believed, when we went into lockdown back in March, that we would still be worshiping on Zoom in November?
Your Incumbent and Wardens have been deeply thankful for the faithfulness and perseverance of the people of All Saints’ in this bizarre, unexpected year of 2020. We have pulled together in ways we never imagined having to do, and learned things we never imagined having to learn, all while staying mostly physically distanced for our own and others’ safety.
Early in the pandemic, we were seriously concerned about the parish’s finances. Would people be willing or able to keep giving? Would we have to consider laying off staff?
Mercifully, the Diocese was able to access government grant support, and all of you have been stalwart in your generosity. We have taken advantage of our unexpectedly positive financial situation in 2020 to complete several necessary projects: replacing the roof on the daycare classroom building, completing critical repairs to the tunnel, and purchasing audio-visual equipment to improve worship both on-site and remotely; and we are have just signed the contract to install the elevator.
Nevertheless, we must be realistic and savvy as we look toward 2021.
At some point in the next few months, the subsidies we have been relying on to keep the budget balanced will stop. God willing, soon after that, a vaccine will begin distribution and the end of the pandemic will be in sight!
We are not conducting a full-fledged, formal pledge campaign this year. There are simply too many uncertainties. But we encourage every household in the parish to reflect on your financial situation and on how the community of All Saints has contributed to keeping you grounded and connected through the difficult times. Take all of this into account as you consider carefully and prayerfully how you can provide additional support to your church.
We will soon be deciding when and how to conduct a campaign to raise funds for the elevator project and any other work we decide to undertake. Once the dust has settled, we will be reviewing our mission and our plans in light of what we’ve learned in this time of crisis, and deciding how to go forward from there. As always, we will welcome your input and support, and you are encouraged to designate a portion of your offering, or an additional contribution, to these capital projects at any time.
Again, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support, financial, moral, and otherwise, and we pray for God’s richest blessings on the whole congregation of All Saints by the Lake.
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