Dragonfly, Dave and Heather’s boat, dressed for Canada Day, 2022.
What is a sabbath leave?
A sabbath leave is a period of intentional “unplugging” for rest and refreshment, rooted in the Fourth Commandment, in which God instructs God’s people to set aside one day in seven as a day of rest. Grace is receiving a sabbath leave on the early side (at the 5-year mark after her arrival in the parish) both to acknowledge the additional strain of ministering through COVID, and because she’s been in ordained ministry for 15 years and has not had a sabbatical yet! This period of intentional rest will be tremendously helpful in keeping her spiritually balanced and nourished for her continuing ministry.
How long is the sabbath leave?
Three months (June through August). It will be followed by a month of vacation in September, to avoid the situation of having to do departure and reentry twice in one year.
What is Grace doing on the sabbath leave?
During the periods that Peter is in school (the first three weeks of June and all of September), she will be at home, focusing on activities that either get lost in the shuffle of ordinary life (decluttering, home repairs, paperwork) or are restorative (reading, visiting museums, walking, creative work, naps). During the last week of June, she and Peter will be sailing in the Thousand Islands with Dave Robinson and Heather McCance. From there, they will travel to see friends and family in Kingston, Toronto, Buffalo, NY, and Holland, MI. On July 11, they will fly from Montreal to the UK, where Peter will spend most of the rest of the month with his paternal grandmother while Grace stays with a friend in the beautiful cathedral precinct in Worcester. On July 20, she will begin a walking pilgrimage along the St. Olav Way in northern Norway, arriving in Olav’s city of Trondheim in time for the three-day festival that takes place around his feast day, July 29. She will then travel to Porto, Portugal, and spend five days horseback riding along the Camino de Santiago with three friends. The final leg of the trip will be a few days each in Porto, Milan, and Ravenna before flying back to Montreal from Rome on August 18.
Who will be taking care of the church during Grace’s absence?
The Rev’d Terry Hidichuk, our Honorary Assistant, will be stepping in to cover Sunday services and pastoral care, with a little help from his friends. Two Sundays (June 25 and July 30) will be Morning Prayer led by Lay Readers. There will be no 8:00 service on those two Sundays. If you are ill or suffering and would like someone to visit, Terry is the one to contact, at 438-401-7956. Eileen Hussey and Serena Capplette are the Wardens, who have legal and fiduciary responsibility for the parish, and of course Laura Lunt in the office can be contacted with any questions (though bear in mind her reduced summer hours!)
What can I do to help the parish during this time?
Show up at church! Offer to give a testimony of how God is working in your life. Pitch in when things need to be done. Pray for the parish leadership and for Grace and Peter on their travels. But also, don’t forget to take some summer sabbath time of your own!
We hope you have a great rest, stay well, travel safely and enjoy those horses!! God be with you!! Ken & Joanne