Catching up, as you can tell from the date!
Incumbent’s Report, November 24, 2024
With a Stewardship Brunch rather than the regular parish meeting in October, there’s a lot to report!
“Bible Learning Time” continues twice a month at 8:45 AM (on the second and fourth Sundays). Our third Sunday worship services is an all-ages/kid-friendly Eucharist. Messy Church continues to chug along with a large and enthusiastic group. At a lively International Dinner on September 28, we dedicated the newly renovated kitchen and celebrated Church of the Resurrection’s 100th anniversary.
Festival Eucharists were held for the feast of St. Michael and All Angels on September 29 and All Saints’ on November 3; two people were baptized at the latter service. We also observed the pet blessing, Thanksgiving, and Remembrance Day, and had a lively Hymn Sing!
Laura Lunt is back from knee replacement surgery and continuing to work on organizing and streamlining our office procedures. Meanwhile, my own health proved a challenge in October as I experienced a recurrence of back pain that was alarmingly similar to the symptoms that had eventually led to my undergoing spinal fusion surgery in 2018. Thankfully, physical therapy seems to have alleviated the pain for now and I’m hopeful I can avoid another operation!
On September 23, I joined colleagues at the Synod office for a stimulating day of conversation with the Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell, on his cross-Canada tour. On October 6, I was present for the joyful occasion of Peter Lekx’s ordination to the diaconate at the Cathedral. On October 22, I conducted Pat Waterston’s funeral in the Chapel. By the time we gather for the parish meeting, I will also have co-led a regional youth retreat at Christ Church Beaurepaire with Peter and Neil Mancor (who was our guest preacher on October 13)!
The Christmas Bazaar on November 16 was a resounding success, shattering fundraising records thanks in part to our new “Square” digital reader enabling us to accept cards as well as cash.
Preliminary conversations about a potential capital campaign continue. We have a long list of projects we’d like to get done, of varying degrees of urgency and feasibility. The Building Projects Committee and the Corporation have reviewed these and we’re starting to collect information about potential costs and have conversations with potential lead donors. We still hope to have an all-parish meeting to decide on our priorities for the campaign before Easter. In the mean time, stay tuned for conversations about the mission that these fundraising goals will support!
I look forward to celebrating my seventh Christmas at All Saints’ – and as always, of course, reach out to me directly if you want to talk.
In God’s peace,
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